Clues starting with D

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter D. There are a total of 6433 clues that start with the letter D.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Ditto 6
Dodgers’ catchers perhaps 9
Divided peninsula 5
DDE’s predecessor 3
Digital challenge 6
Ditto in a footnote 4
Docking spot 4
Delilah’s target 6
Dogs originally bred to hunt bears 6
Demanding constant attention 5
Diet eschewing dairy and wheat 5
Do in as a dragon 4
Disney’s Queen of Arendelle 4
Dentist’s directive 5
Degree for many a CEO 3
Director of five movies in the Fast & Furious franchise 9
Dismiss some baseball pitchers? 10
Dismiss some mob hit men? 11
Dismiss some football players? 11
Dismiss some restaurant critics? 10
Diamond defect 4
Didn’t make the grade? 7
Dunkerque denial 3
Dunvegan denial 3
Do something 3
Disguise for a reviewer? 12
Downfall 6
Don’t-talk-about-this contract: Abbr. 3
Defeats with ease 5
Digital pub 4

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