Clues starting with L

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter L. There are a total of 6945 clues that start with the letter L.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Like a moonless night 4
Lucianos love 5
Like a moonless night 4
Local NYC channel 4
La Dolce ___ 4
Lofty shots 4
La Belle et la ___ 4
Like birds and humans 7
Losing soccer score often 3
Lotus position? 5
Like a good neighbor State Farm is there jingle writer 7
Like a wallflower 3
Light touches 4
Lip application 5
Lack of oomph 6
Leaves 4
Like tears 6
Landscaping tools 6
Like some passes and thinking 7
Law of ___ (trigonometry rule) 7
Like some grins and victories 8
Length x width for a rectangle 4
Lasso on a pitch 3
Like chinchillas and guanacos 6
LAPD investigator 3
Let happen 5
Lose it 4
Lose it 5
Look of contempt 5
Leisurely gait 4

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