Clues starting with P

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter P. There are a total of 10816 clues that start with the letter P.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Postgame sulker 5
Picnic playwright 4
Pivot for Pavlova 3
Pelt a philosopher on Halloween? 11
Parcel inquiries 7
Processes for new students at Hogwarts 8
Put in an envelope say 7
Piece for practice 5
Paris’s home 4
Puny pencil 4
Project details 5
Professional trainer? 5
Puts away 6
Pub perches 6
Prickly pears e.g. 5
Peace symbol 4
Path to the top 5
Phrase in many ode titles 3
Pizzeria portions 6
Pho + pljeskavica 15
Pot fill 3
Pull along 3
Pass up 4
Proctor’s call 4
Playing by a different ___ rules 5
Pitcher’s asset 3
Pungent bulb 5
Pre-1917 ruler 4
Petered out 8
Part of 57-Down 4

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