Clues starting with R

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter R. There are a total of 5740 clues that start with the letter R.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Ram on the road 5
Ready for the cobbler 5
Reasonable 4
Ricky Martin's Livin' la Vida ___ 4
Rio seller 3
Raiders reptiles 4
Rustic destination 3
Rides the rapids 5
Round Table setting 7
Rip to shreds 6
Reels 8
Really I'm not kidding! 11
Raised railways 3
Resembling a pixie 7
Raw material for steelmaking 7
Relaxes as one's grip 7
Rap's ___ Yachty 3
Rail in the bathroom 9
Really long stretches of time 4
Rejuvenating resort 3
Really smell 4
Rover alternative 4
Rubber-stamped 6
Ring-tailed animal 5
Rwanda native 4
Run to or run into perhaps 5
Remote 3
Rms. for rent 4
Romulus and Remus to Mars 4
Rogen of Neighbors 4

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